A woman smiles and shakes someone's hand across the desk.

Title Industry Banking

Industry Expertise

MidFirst Bank understands the unique banking needs of the title industry and with several locations across the United States, we hold several Land Title Association memberships. Committed to transforming your banking into an efficient and productive experience, MidFirst offers a comprehensive suite of treasury management solutions overseen by our dedicated experts to provide tailored solutions and knowledge to address your company's needs.

Banking Solutions

MidFirst Bank is dedicated to working with companies in the title insurance and settlement service sector. We can help manage your banking by providing solutions tailored to meet the needs of your organization.

  • Remote Deposits Capture for Ease of Check Deposit
  • Check Positive Pay and ACH Positive Pay for Fraud Protection
  • Knowledgeable of Escrow and Trust Account Structure
  • ACH Block Capability on Escrow or Trust Accounts

Please complete the Title Industry Banking form if you would like someone to contact you.

Meet Our Title Industry Banking Team

Terry Valles

Terry Valles

MidFirst Bank, Title Industry Banking
Vice President, Managing Director
Office: 817.729.4229

Email Terry
Angie Ward

Angie Ward

MidFirst Bank, Treasury Management 
Senior Vice President, Treasury Management Sales Officer  
Office: 405.767.7567

Email Angie