A family of four talking to a salesman at a car dealership.

Auto Loan Calculators

Use our calculator to estimate vehicle loan payments, explore purchase or lease options, and more.

Easily calculate estimated vehicle loan payments, determine if a low rate or cash back is better, explore purchase or lease options and more.

While a low-rate loan sounds attractive, you might be better off taking the cash back and adding it to your down payment to reduce the loan amount for the vehicle. Evaluate which option is best for you.

The term of your vehicle loan can make a big difference in the amount of your monthly payment. It can also have a significant impact on the amount of interest you'll pay over the course of the loan.

To determine what purchase price you can afford, you must consider several factors, including the monthly payment you'd like to make, the interest on your loan, the amount of your down payment, the amount you can expect to receive for any vehicle trade-in and any rebates or cash back offers available from the dealer or manufacturer.

Your decisions can make a big difference in the amount of your monthly payment and the total cost of the loan. Determine which vehicle to buy and which loan terms to choose.

Determine whether it makes financial sense to trade-in a "gas guzzler" for a more fuel-efficient vehicle.

Does it make better sense to buy or lease a new vehicle?