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Savings Calculators

Use our savings calculator to find out how much you need to save to be a millionaire and more.

Saving consistently over a number of years can be an effective strategy to accumulate wealth. Find out how increasing your existing savings rate by even 1% can yield big results.

Saving for college requires advanced planning and knowledge of what the cost of tuition will be when the student begins. Determine how much college will cost and how much to set aside each month to pay for it.

Do you have the discipline to become a millionaire? See how much you need to save each month to reach one million dollars.


Project the future value of your savings, dependent on the starting balance, additional monthly savings and the rate of return you receive on those savings.

Whether you're saving for a down payment or a weekend getaway, time, money and rate of return all factor into when you'll meet your goal. Determine how much to save per month to reach that goal.

It's always a good idea to have savings tucked away for emergencies such as legal or medical bills or the loss of a job. Plan ahead to make these types of unexpected events easier to cope with.

How interest is calculated can have a great impact on the interest earned by your account and how your savings will grow. Find out the effect of compound interest on your long-term investment.